Friday, September 17, 2010


Jousting is defined as a fight between mounted knights wearing armor and using lances. This was a favorite form of entertainment in the Middle Ages. Jousting contests took place at Medieval tournaments which provided a venue for Knights to practice various form of combat to the delight, and for the amusement of crowds of onlookers. The tournaments kept the knight in excellent condition for the role he would need to play during Medieval warfare. Skill with the weapons and supreme strength and fitness were necessary to knights of the Middle ages. Tournaments were exciting and colorful pageants which displayed different forms of combat. Jousting was one of the events shown at a tournament. Jousting was an individual event where as the Melee was a team event where teams of kings fought on horseback.

There were two types of Jousting events during the Middle Ages, the Joust a plaisance and the Pas d'armes

Joust a plaisance - A series of emlimiation jousting contests which were held over several days. An overall jousting winner would be determined.

Pas d'armes or passage of arms Jousting event - A Knight would send out a proclamation that he would take on all jousting challengers at a specific time and place.

Jousting were major events in the tournaments. or tourneys. of the Middle Ages. Medieval jousting tournaments were the training grounds for Knights of the Middle Ages, but they were also great entertainment for all of the locals. Jousting tournaments were usually held on a field in close proximity to a castle called the Lists. To be in the lists meant to be competing in the tournament. People would view the jousting and other events from the battlements of the castle or sit alongside the Jousting tournament field. A grandstand called a Berfrois, was built a full story above the level of the lists. This grandstand housed the ladies and other noble spectators. Pavilions were erected around the area of the jousting tournaments. Pavilions were the name given to the bright, round medieval tents of alternating colors which housed combatants, and surgeons of a jousting tournament. Jousting tournaments teemed with spectators and combatants including royalty, nobles, Knights, ladies, and commoners.

Tune in next week for more info on Jousting.

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