Thursday, February 17, 2011

Let's get visual!

Image by Nesster

Movie making skills are handy in this current day and age. I say this because learning visually now seems to be the more effective route to take when teaching. For example, with YouTube videos individuals can learn how to create scratch disks on Final Cut or cure an ear infection. In order to post these videos the individual creating the video may need some skill in making a video.

Just like with Bloom's Taxonomy the movie-maker needs to first know what he/she is creating, and once this first step is taken they can now obtain the proper equipment to express the message they desire to transmit. Now, not everyone that puts a video on YouTube goes through an in depth evaluation and analysis of what he/she is putting on the web; but there is a thought process that occurs somewhere in between "hey lets make a video" and placing it online. This thought process is what individuals need to have in order to create the video they choose.

So, I agree that knowing basic digital movie-making skills is something that everyone should pick up. Everyone's eye is different, and what better way to express your individuality than visually?

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