Friday, January 21, 2011

Reaching Out Through Social Media

In the Forbes article one of the statements made was the issue of discovering how to concoct an advertisement that will be appealing to all who see it. This is not an easy task because everyone is different when it comes to style, food, and thought. While some people enjoy a catchy tune like that little number from others might prefer something that compares and contrasts like the Windows vs. Mac commercials.

Since my television activity has rapidly decreased my commercial viewing as been minimal. However, I do recall a State Farm commercial where a couple backed into a car and discussed whose fault it was along the curb. The man proceded to sing the State Farm jingle and *poof* an agent appeared. The woman decided she'd be clever and ask for a new boyfriend, and in retaliation the man asked for a new girlfriend. Both wishes were granted and the argument was then transfered from the car accident to the visual tweaking that just took place. I personally feel that this commercial had little to do with State Farm, but it was interesting to observe what the media chose for the couples wish, and how it was dealt with.

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